Looking to develop land? Talk with PMA

Land development. Development is often the way to maximise land value; so how best can this be achieved? Working with an specialist architect can help you assess and optimise opportunities. With years of experience of residential development, the Peregrine Mears Architects PMA architectural team are experts, as professional architectural advisers, with unusually valuable developer client-side experience, so fully equipped to advise clients with a unique insight, to clarify options and assess the best strategic approach for you.

Contact architect Michaela Eaves  01271 377 776
“As experts in housing development we can advise and guide you to maximise the market value of your land; the first step is to contact us for an initial discussion, in confidence and without obligation.”

First, is there genuine development potential, for which planning consent could be obtained for a financially viable and deliverable scheme? Ambition should be tempered by the knowledge that the road ahead is likely to be complex and challenging. Informed professional advice is essential, and with specialist contacts throughout the south west we can help you build the right team. We have direct access to a range of active housing developers and their specialist agents. We know how best to present potential development propositions, bringing together landowners and developers at an early stage, building constructive relationships and reduce risk.

There is no short cut, in this ever-changing environment, both in market conditions and planning challenges.

So what’s involved?

The first step is an initial assessment of the land and your aspirations. Our preliminary research enables us to give a high-level overview of potential and assess how best to proceed.

Let’s explore the possible routes you could take.  

Option One I Sell your land with ‘potential’, without planning consent  

The most straightforward way to sell, but this method will not produce the full market value, but an element of hope value might create an enhancement beyond current use. Developers buying unconditionally at this stage are less common, and will reflect risks and significant costs to obtain an implementable and financial viable planning consent.

Option Two I Sell having obtained planning permission for development

This option is likely to increase the chances of maximising value. This approach will require you to fund the planning process, which can be significant, will take time and carry risk. Clearly land with planning for development will be of greater interest to developers, although in most circumstances it is likely that  modifications will be required, for a variety of reasons. Obtaining an outline consent may be a way forward, but is not always feasible, owing to the amount of detail required at the planning stage. Taking this approach will incur significant costs and carries risk, with no guarantee of success, so needs careful consideration.

Option Three I Agree a conditional sale, subject to planning for development

An attractive option and common in the market. Agreeing a sale, conditional on obtaining planning permission, for an agreed level of development, enables a landowner to understand the likely sale price which can be realised, if planning permission is granted, The time to deal with the planning process is unavoidable but there is a chance to achieve a good percentage of the full development value.

Here the developer then steps in to use their specialist expertise to deal with the planning applications to obtain consent for a development, appropriate to their company’s approach. The landowner has no exposure to the costs required to progress the planning process, which often run to tens of thousands of pounds.

The details of any conditional contract are tailored to the circumstances, though negation. Here we work closely with your wider professional team, which may include solicitors, accountants, agents and others.

Option Four I Land Promotion with developers

Generally an approach adopted for larger areas of land, which might well include multiple landowners. Through a Land Promotion Agreement, a developer looks to promote the concept of development, which is often a longer-term strategy. Terms of these agreements will reflect the circumstances, which can vary significantly, so sharing any enhanced value with a developer can be an attractive proposition for more complex and perhaps sensitive schemes.

Option Five I Joint Venture Project

If circumstances allow this can be an attractive approach, requiring a long-term commitment but potentially can produce greater returns. As the name suggests a landowner and developer agree a joint venture. Both landowner and developer work together through all stages, from planning, construction and sales. The profits can then be shared, offering the chance of a landowner benefiting from the maximum return.  

“Let’s talk. Tell us about your land; together we can assess potential opportunities, consider your options and if required talk with potential buyers. Call me on 01271 377 776”

Michaela Eaves

Michaela Eaves
Project Architect
Peregrine Mears Architects I PMA