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Our 20th Anniversary!
Unbelievably it was 20 years ago this month that our practice took its first steps in the big wide world! Renting a small office in the centre of Barnstaple from Dyer Feesey Wickham Architects. A year later we took on our first member of staff and moved into a larger, adjoining office. Then in 2008…
Self-build in Somerset Starts on Site
Great to see a contemporary new low energy home starting on site this week. This project is a replacement dwelling within a conservation area but we achieved planning permission without any compromise to the design. So we are now looking forward to seeing that design take shape throughout the construction phase.
Perry Mears values membership of The Design Peview Panel
As an experienced RIBA Chartered Architect, PMA Director Perry Mears enjoys and values his involvement as a member of The Design Review Panel; visit their website. “The Design Review Panel is a group of independent, multi-disciplinary construction professionals working in the built environment, operating throughout England”, explained Panel Manager, Jonathan Braddick. He continued: “The Panel provides…
Boutique Holiday Cabin in Devon Shows That Good Design Adds Value!
Its always nice to get feedback on how the buildings we design fare in use. We were pleased to be contacted by a client for whom we designed a small Devon Holiday Cabin and learn that….. “The design / building has been super successful and is regularly listed in the top 10 holiday cabins to…